Category: culture

  • No. Fucking. BLACKPILLING

    In a striking visual call to action, a meme with its roots in the e/acc movement—a branch of Accelerationism focused on the digital realm—has gone viral for its strong condemnation of ‘blackpilling,’ a term synonymous with a defeatist or pessimistic worldview. In the realm of internet culture, memes are more than just vehicles for humor—they…

  • $100 Million Power-Up: Who’s Laughing at Video Games Now?

    For years, skeptics have brushed off video games as a worthless pastime, warning against hours lost in virtual worlds, and their potential to strain eyes and rot brains. Well, now they’re choking on a mouthful of pixels as Félix Lengyel, popularly known as xQc, a Twitch sensation, lands a hilarious, bank-breaking deal with up-and-coming streaming…

  • Exploring the Japanese Concept of Shikita Ga Nai – Accepting What Can’t Be Changed

    The Japanese concept of “shikita ga nai” can be translated as “it can’t be helped” or “it’s inevitable.” This phrase is often used to accept a situation or outcome that cannot be changed or altered. It is a way of acknowledging that certain things in life are simply out of our control and must be…